Kristin L. Davila

President & Executive Director

I started in the field of affordable housing as an on-site resident services coordinator providing direct support services for the nearly 500 residents living in that community. I have also led the development of the two HUD Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly communities Merced sponsored.

I completed the San Antonio Area Foundation’s certification in nonprofit leadership and management, the Holt Leadership Fellows Program, and NeighborWorks America’s Achieving Excellence Program, earning an executive education certificate from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. In this program, I received three weeks of instruction and one-on-one professional coaching and support from a small cohort of peers focused on building leadership skills and capacity to implement large-scale organizational change. I am also a proud graduate of the University of Michigan with a background in Sociology and Women’s Studies.

I am grateful to serve the community in different capacities. I am a member of San Antonio’s Housing Commission and serve on the commission’s Renters’ Solutions Subcommittee as well as on the Public Engagement and Outreach Subcommittee. The Commission’s work culminated in the creation and now implementation of the Strategic Housing Implementation Plan (SHIP). I am also Chair of the San Antonio Area Foundation’s SALSA (Successfully Aging and Living in San Antonio) Steering Committee which is an initiative that seeks to create a community where older adults are respected, thrive, and live connected lives. I also serve on SALSA’s Housing and Built Environment Workgroup which focuses on housing issues impacting older adults.

I advocate for and believe that every person has the right to decent, safe, supportive housing that promotes family stability and community growth. Through my role, I ensure that there is a clear, strategic vision for the organization and I am committed to supporting our team in achieving that vision. I have the privilege of leading the Merced team in setting the course for our work, garnering and maintaining the support and trust of our stakeholders, and ensuring the organization has the resources necessary to implement our mission.

When I am not working, I love to cook and bake. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I learned how to make candles and now make them as gifts for family and friends.

Meet the Team